Presentation Guidelines

Guidelines for Oral Presenters

These aer the guidelines for oral presentations:

  • All oral presentations have been allocated 15 minutes. The 15-minute time slot will include a talk with a duration of up to 12 minutes and 3 minutes for questions, discussion, and speaker change.
  • All presentations must be prepared in PowerPoint (file extension .pptx) or Portable Document Format (file extension .pdf).
  • In preparing your presentation, remember that it may be viewed from the back of the room. Font sizes of 20pt and above are strongly preferred.
  • They will be displayed from a PC with Windows 10 or Windows 11 and PowerPoint and/or a pdf Reader.
  • Paper presentations are subject to the presenting author registering for the conference.
  • Speakers (presenting authors) are suggested to meet the Session Chairs 5 minutes before the start of the session, to help in the session’s management. Possible no-shows will be removed from the conference proceedings.

Upload your presentation

To ensure an optimal delivery of your presentation:

  • All presenting authors are required to upload their slide presentations in advance through the link provided at the bottom of these instructions or, at the latest, upon arrival at the venue in the Speaker Ready Room
  • It will not be possible, for any reason, to use personal computers or to carry out lastminute uploads using personal USB memory sticks in the session room.
  • A Speaker Ready Room will be available (open daily from 8 am to 6 pm), where you can check and upload your presentation (please bring the presentation on your USB memory stick at least 1 h before your session to ensure compatibility with in-room computers as well as that all graphics and fonts appear as expected). Technicians will be staffing in the Speaker Ready Room if you require assistance.
  • The sooner, the better! Please upload your slides now by following the link below. Choose your session (these fields are mandatory), and ensure your file name includes both your first and last name. Don’t forget to click the ‘SEND’ button; otherwise, your submission will not be valid.

When your file is correctly received you are confirmed by a “thank you” screen.

The link for upload of your presentation has been sent in the PDF attached to the email sent to all presenting and corresponding authors on 7 September.

Guidelines for Poster Presenters

Dear Colleague, in the following you can find the guidelines for your poster:

  • There will be three poster sessions:
    • Monday (16th September 2024 from 14:40 to 16:10)
    • Tuesday (17th September 2024 from 15:20 to 16:50)
    • Wednesday (18th September 2024 from 15:20 to 16:50)
  • In preparing your poster, remember to use an A0 size (841 mm wide by 1189 mm high).
  • Pins/adhesive tape will be provided to affix your poster to the allocated board.
  • Time for set-up/removal are as follows:
    Day Set-up Time Removal time
    Monday 09:50 -10:30 Right after the poster session
    Tuesday/Wednesday 10:00 – 10:40 Right after the poster session

    Conference Staff will help the poster presenters in setting up (during the morning coffee break) and removing the posters (immediately after the poster session). Any posters left after the removal time will be disposed by the Conference Staff.

  • Authors are expected to stay with their posters to answer questions through the entire duration of the poster session. Possible no-shows will be removed from the conference proceedings.
  • The poster number of your paper can be found in the scientific program posted on the WCE2024 website ( and will be indicated on each poster board.
  • Poster presentations are subject to the presenting author registering for the conference.